Registration Information
Registration is not for requesting booth space. This is for registering individuals to attend the show.Register Here!
Ag Expo Registration
Any visitor that does not fit the below categories may attend the conference for the regular registration fees as follows.
- $50: Early Registration (by January 3)
- $60: Registration (after January 3)
- $30: Thursday ONLY Registration
- Grain Grading School: Ag Expo attendees may participate in the Grain Grading School on Thursday for an additional $45. An option must be selected while registering online.
- Commercial Recertification Training: Sponsored by SDSU and DANR. A separate registration link will be available in December.
Commercial Applicator Recertification and the Grain Grading School are not included in Ag Expo Registration
Exhibitor - Is your company exhibiting? Are you a roaming exhibitor? If so, you may register in this category if you have already completed your exhibitor form. $50 early/$60 regular
Note: Solicitors not Registering as Exhibitors
SDABA hosts the Ag Expo as a convenience for companies wishing to solicit business. Every individual or firm that engages in solicitation or recruiting during Ag Expo must register as an exhibitor and pay an exhibitor fee. Solicitation and recruiting are defined as conducting any of the following activities anywhere on the conference hotel property, lobby, hallways, and meeting rooms or in the exhibit hall:
- Distributing literature, brochures, corporate name/logo items or electronic media promoting a company, or its products or services.
- Wearing or carrying any button, badge or sign promoting a company, or its products or services (logo apparel is normally acceptable but the Ag Expo Committee reserves the right to determine acceptability).
- Verbally prospecting for buyers of a company's products or services; verbally making a sales pitch or proposal that promotes a company, its products or services.
Student - Are you a high school, tech school or college student? If so, you may register in this category if it has been pre-arranged through the school. Registration is complimentary.