CCA Exam Training Session

Hosted by the SD Agri-Business Association & SD CCA Board is a test preparation course for the International and South Dakota CCA Exam. The workshop will feature a review of technical information around each of the four CCA categories: Nutrient Management (NM), Soil and Water Management (SW), Integrated Pest Management (IPM), and Crop Management (CM). We will also discuss the best strategies for test taking and how to prepare for the exam.

CCA Exam Training Workshop Information

4 Ways to Register.... 

  1. Online: click here (4% surcharge for credit card use)
  2. Phone: (605) 224-2445, have your credit card information ready. (4% surcharge for credit card use)
  3. Fax: (605) 224-9913 (4% surcharge for credit card use)
  4. Mail: SDABA, 320 E Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501 (use this form)


Tuesday, January 21, 2025 | 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM


Young Brothers Seed Technology Center
2380 Research Park Way
Brookings, SD 57006


ANYONE who is preparing to take the Certified Crop Advisor Exam!



10 people. If less than 10 people register, the workshop will be canceled.


Here are some great study session resources (Note: these are NOT provided, you can order these separately as you see the need):