Agronomy Conference Presentation Archives


Crop Market Outlook, Frayne Olson, NDSU (1CM)PrintView
Global Crop Market Conditions, Frayne Olson, NDSU (1CM)PrintView
Carbon Smart, Jodi DeJong-Hughes, UMN (1SW) PrintView
Soil Compaction:  What Can You Do? Jodi DeJong-Hughes, UMN (1SW)PrintView
High Impact Meteorology in Production Ag, Eric Snodgrass, Nutrien (2CM)NANA

Practical Applications of Drones in Agriculture, Adam Gittins, HTS Ag (1 PM)

Managing Your Fertilizer Investment, Ryan Hageman, CHS Agronomy (1NM)PrintView
Nutrient Management in Soybean, Peter Kovacs, SDSU (1NM)PrintView
Precision Trends: Grids & Zones - How Precision Soil Sampling has Changed, John Breker, AGVISE Laboratories  (1NM)PrintView
EPA, ESA, WOTUS E-I-E-I-O, Daren Coppock, ARA (1CM)PrintView
Emerging Role of Biologicals in Crop Production, Connor Sible, UIUC (1PM)PrintView
Plant Diseases in South Dakota in 2023, Madelyn Shires, SDSU (1PM). PrintView
You Have a 1000 acres of Soil Microbes; Now What?,  Michael Lehman, USDA-ARS (1SW)PrintView
The War Against Weeds in No-till, Joe Ikley, NDSU (1PM) PrintView
Nutrient Banding in South Dakota, Peter Kovacs, SDSU (1NM)PrintView
Crop Diversity with Cover Crops, Justin Fruechte, Millborn Seeds (1SW) PrintView
Advancing Sprayer Technologies, Tony Kramer, RDO (1CM)PrintView
Update on Weed Management in South Dakota, Eric Jones, SDSU (1PM)PrintView
Capturing Progress Together, Joe Heinrich, Smart Carbon Network (1SW)PrintView


Carbon Markets:  Where are we at and where are we going? Sally Flis, Nutrien (1SW)PrintView
The Seven Wonders of 300 Bushel Corn, Fred Below, UofIL (0.5CM/0.5NM)PrintView
Soybean success: No longer a secret, Fred Below, UofIL (0.5CM/0.5NM). PrintView
Crop Insurance:  Managing Financial Risks for Producers, Steve Yearous, RCIS (1CM)PrintView
What's new?  The soybean gall midge and other soybean insect discoveries, Bruce Potter, U of M (1PM)PrintView
The State Ground Water Quality Monitoring Network, Tim Cowman, USD (1SW)PrintView
Forces impacting crop prices, Frayne Olson, NDSU (1 CM)PrintView
Crop Outlook moving forward, Frayne Olson, NDSU (1CM)PrintView
Impact of Cover Crop on Soil Nitrogen Dynamics and the Following Crop Productivity, Shannon Osborne, USDA (1SW)PrintView
Do corn N and P recommendation accuracy improve when including soil health tests? Jason Clark, SDSU (1NM)PrintView
Putting the sprayer or spreader on the road, Fred Whitford, Purdue (1PM).NANA
Can you handle a pesticide or fertilizer spill? Fred Whitford, Purdue (1PM). NANA
Market Moving Weather, Eric Snodgrass, Nutrien (1CM/1NM). NANA
Practical uses of drones in agriculture, John Nowatzki, NDSU (retired) (1PM) PrintView
No P, No Problem?  Dan Kaiser, UofM (1NM)PrintView
Are all sources of sulfur created equal? Dan Kaiser, UofM (1NM). PrintView
Water:  Managing our most precious resource and biggest threat, John McMaine, SDSU (1SW)PrintView
Farm Forever, Kent Vlieger, NRCS (1SW)PrintView
Science of Droplets: Updates from the World of Spray Nozzles and Adjuvants, Kyle Gustafson, Winfield United (1 PM)PrintView


Winter Wheat Production in a Corn-Soybean Rotation, Nathan Mueller, UNL (1 CM)PrintView
New Innovations in 4R Fertility Management for High-Yielding Corn, Scott Foxhoven, Purdue (1 NM)PrintView
High Impact Meteorology in Production Ag, Eric Snodgrass, Nutrien (2 CM)PrintView
Drainage Design & 4Rs of Nitrogen Management to Optimize Crop Yield & Minimize Nitrate Loss, Matt Helmers, IA State (1 SW)PrintView
Disease Management Update, Daren Mueller, IA State (1 PM)PrintView
The Highs and Lows of Soil pH Management, John Breker, Agvise Labs (1 SW)PrintView
Carbon Management and Opportunities, Nick Ward, Ward Labs (1 NM)PrintView
Weed Control Do's and Don'ts:  Protecting Crop Yield, Christy Sprague, MSU (1PM); via videoPrintView
Chelators:  Are They All The Same?, Ryan Hageman, CHS Agronomy (1SW)PrintView
2021 Insect Update: What were the real problems? Adam Varenhorst, SDSU (1PM)PrintView
What Can We Learn from Truck Accidents, Fred Whitford, Purdue (1CM)PrintView
Hoses: The Arteries of Application Equipment, Fred Whitford, Purdue (1 CM)PrintView
Technology Update:  Unmanned Aircraft in Agriculture, Mark Asklson, UND (1 PM)PrintView
Soil Acidification:  Causes, Mitigation, Adaptation and Prevention, Cain Jones, MSU (1 SW)PrintView
Soil Fertility Research at NDSU 1980-2021, Jay Goos, NDSU (1 NM)PrintView
Additives vs Adjuvants and Nozzles Selection, Bryan Young, Purdue (1 PM)PrintView
Cover Crops Influence on Corn Nitrogen Requirements, Jason Clark, SDSU (1 NM)PrintView
Management of Cover Crops with Rotations, Justin Fruechte, Millborne Seeds (1 SW)PrintView
Fertilizer Research Update in Corn and Soybean, Peter Kovacs, SDSU (1 NM)PrintView


Filtering Out the Noise: 2021 Crop Market Outlook, Frayne Olson, NDSU (1 CM)ViewPrint
Where do we go from here?: U.S. – China Trade Agreement, Frayne Olson, NDSU (1 CM)ViewPrint
What and How Can I Learn from Precision Ag Data? Peter Kovacs, SDSU (1 SW)ViewPrint
Update on South Dakota Nitrogen and Potassium Guidelines, Jason Clark, SDSU (1 NM)ViewPrint
Soybean Weed Control Systems:
Joe Schefers, BayerViewPrint
Wyatt Coffman, BASFViewPrint
Wally West, SyngentaViewPrint
Steve Snyder, CortevaViewPrint
Drainage Design for Crop Production and Environmental Impacts, Matt Helmers, IA State (1 SW)ViewPrint
Old Insect Problems Return and a New Problem Persists, Bruce Potter, UMN (1 PM)ViewPrint
eKonomic Potassium and Phosphorus Nutrient Management, Cristie Preston, Nutrien (1 NM)ViewPrint
Soybean Disease Management Updates, Daren Mueller, IA State (1 PM)ViewPrint
The Connection Between Soil Health and Soil Water; Dr Anna Cates, UMN (1 SW)ViewPrint
Global Shifts Impacting the U.S. Fertilizer Market, Melinda Sposari, TFI (1 NM)ViewPrint
Nitrogen Management – Pushing Efficiencies and Yield, Brian Arnall, OK State (1 NM)ViewPrint
Nozzles 101: What to know about them and how do they ACTUALLY Influence your Pesticide Appli
cation? Kyle Gustafson, Winfield United (1 PM)


AM How Can Fertilizer Practice Change Work for You?, Sally Flis, TFI (1 SW)ViewPrint
Re-Carbonizing Row Crop Ag Lands, Justin Mount, NRCS (1 NM)ViewPrint
Soil and Tissue Analysis for Corn Potassium Management, Robert Miller, Colorado State, (1 NM)ViewPrint
Soil Health Testing:  What is Measurable and What is Useful, John S Breker, Agvise Labs (1 NM)ViewPrint
Factors to Consider for Variable Rate Seeding, Mark Licht, IA State (1 CM)ViewPrint
Nitrogen Application Timing in Corn and In-Season Soybean Management, Peter Kovaks, SDSU (1 NM)ViewPrint
2019 Combining Soil Health and Soil Fertility to Improve Fertility Recommendations, Jason Clark, SDSU (1 SW)ViewPrint
Developing a Social Media Presence, Jason Hanson, RockNRoll Agronomy (1 PD)ViewPrint
Hitch Pins:  A Critical Component, Fred Whitford, Purdue (1 PM)NAView or Print
Working with Straps and Chains to Tie Down Loads, Fred Whitford, Purdue (1 PM)ViewPrint
The Science of Nitrogen Stabilizers and Additives, Dave Franzen, NDSU (1 SW)ViewPrint
Impacts of 4R Nitrogen Management on Drainage Water Quality, Matt Helmers, IA State (1 SW)ViewPrint
Ag Economics Outlook, Wes Chambers, FCS (1 CM)ViewPrint
What's the Big Deal about pH?, Kirk Howatt, NDSU (1 PM)ViewPrint
Insecticide 101, Adam Varenhorst, SDSU (1 PM)ViewPrint
Soybean Weed Control Systems, Panel,  (2 CM)
Joe Schefers, BayerViewPrint
Derek Cottrill, BASFViewPrint
Steve Snyder, CortevaViewPrint
Wally West, SyngentaViewPrint